Monday, July 29, 2019

Tips For Starting A Neighborhood Vegetable Garden

Use Organic Fertilizer When Organizing A Neighborhood Garden

Do you have only a small green patch but you still want to grow your own vegetables? No problem! You can always set up a small neighborhood vegetable garden, by taking into account a few simple tricks.

  1. Choose the right plants

The first step you need to consider is deciding what vegetables you want to grow in the garden. Cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes and aromatic plants are just a few good options, particularly because they grow very well together.

To take full advantage of the space you have at your disposal, you can opt for climbing plants that take up little space. For example, you can plant cherry tomatoes instead of classic tomatoes, or you can have a strawberry bush.

  1. Divide your earth patch into multiple segments

If you want to plant different vegetables in your garden, divide the land so you can get 9 or 12 squares, depending on your preferences. In each square result plant the desired vegetables, by taking into account the conditions in which they must grow and using organic fertilizer to produce a plentiful crop. While some can be planted close to each other, other vegetables will need more space to grow healthy.

  1. Make the most of your available space

Because your garden is a small one, which does not offer you the opportunity to plant everything you want, you can work smart and also use the edges of the garden to plant your favorite flowers, as well as the areas between the ranges of vegetables for planting your favorite aromatic herbs; these are not just savory in your food, but will also keep pests away.

The post Tips For Starting A Neighborhood Vegetable Garden appeared first on The Richlawn Company.

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