Sunday, October 6, 2019

Tips for Deciding on the Best Trees to Plant in Your Lawn

Fall Fertilizer Adding Tree In Fall

A well-kept, healthy and strong lawn is a great asset to possess in itself, but if you want to take your landscape design one more step further, you can also choose to add trees including fall fertilizer. Some trees are beautiful, but messy, dropping fruit, eliminating sticky sap and leaving bothersome sticks around, while other species are more well-behaved, requiring you only do a little occasional pruning. Here are the best tree varieties to plant on your lawn:

  • Evergreens – these varieties maintain their foliage all year around, requiring very little maintenance. If you don’t want to have needle-like foliage on your lawn, pick broad-leafed varieties, such as the southern magnolia;
  • Trees resistant to urban conditions – if your landscape is in the middle of the city, it is a good idea to choose trees that can tolerate air pollution, night lighting and poor drainage. The best species include ginkgo, hawthorn and linden;
  • Ornamental trees – these varieties are spectacular, adding splashes of bright color to the green of your lawn without making a mess. Some of the most beautiful additions include Japanese maples, callery pears, crabapples, Chinese dogwood and saucer magnolias. When choosing your ornamental trees, pay attention to the colors they add to your landscape to make sure they are all in harmony.

The post Tips for Deciding on the Best Trees to Plant in Your Lawn appeared first on The Rich Lawn Company.

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